Recent container garden for Sakhi for Girls Education
Thank you Scott Madsen for your support of education for girls! Your contribution will go to educate girls in Sakhiforgirlseducation that...
The Happiness Map
It is gorgeously sunny outside here in California. I am happy that I am surrounded by sunshine and spring flowers. Speaking of...
Aarti Naik - From a Slum Girl to a Change Maker
This is the story of a young girl, Aarti, who grew up in the slums of Mumbai, India. Aarti is now an educator and founder of Sakhi Girls...
International Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day, and I can't think of a more appropriate time to publish my website, She Dreams. She Dreams is...
Child Marriage - A Global Problem Long Ignored
Did you know that every day, 41,000 girls marry before they are 18 years old? That means 15 million girls are married before they turn...